Public procurements
Current Competitions
Competition Calendar
Competitions Archive
Public procurements
Current Competitions
Competition Calendar
Competitions Archive
Public procurements
Current Competitions
Competition Calendar
Competitions Archive
Current Competitions
Competitions for co-financing the production
Open contest for co-funding film festival organisation (15.11.2024.)
Open contest for co-funding film festival organisation
Modification of open contest for co-funding film festival organisation in year 2025
Preliminary ranking list of applicants to Open contest for co-funding film festival organisation
Final ranking list of applicants to Open contest for co-funding film festival organisation
Decision - Animacikl
Decision - ,,19. Međunarodni filmski festival Prvi kadar“
Decision - 13. Festival mediteranskog i evropskog filma Trebinje 2025.
Decision - 17. Međunarodni festival animiranog filma ,,Banjaluka 2025"
Decision – Paralele 2025
Open contest for co-financing production of feature-lenght documentary film (13.05.2024)
Open contest for co-financing production of feature-lenght documentary film
Preliminary ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-funding the production of feature documentary films
Final ranking list of applicants on Open contest for co-financing production of feature-lenght documentary film
Decision - Sloboda je Divna
Decision - Balcana presenta
Decision - Jedini
Decision - Evo gola
Decision - Ruine
Open contest for co-financing production of short documentary film (13.05.2024)
Open contest for co-financing production of short documentary film
Preliminary ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-funding the production of short documentary films
Final ranking list of applicants on Open contest for co-financing production of short documentary film
Decision - Srećna slučajnost
Decision - Koraci u zaborav
Decision - Rođendanske želje – desejos de aniversario
Open contest for co-financing production of feature-lenght film (13.05.2024)
Open contest for co-financing production of feature-lenght film
Preliminary ranking list of applicants on Open contest for co-financing production of feature-lenght film
Final ranking list of applicants on Open contest for co-financing production of feature film
Decision - Kad ponovo umrem
Decision - Čuvaj ga
Decision - Sloga traži ljubav
Open contest for co-financing production of short feature film (13.05.2024)
Open contest for co-financing production of short feature film
Preliminary ranking list of applicants on Open contest for co-financing production of short feature film
Final ranking list of applicants on Open contest for co-financing production of short feature film
Decision - Zemlja živih
Decision - Džo
Decision - Zdrave ruke
Decision - Osmijeh za kraj
Open contest for co-financing production of short animated film (13.05.2024)
Open contest for co-financing production of short animated film
Preliminary ranking list of applicants on Open contest for co-financing production of short animated film
Final ranking list of applicants on Open contest for co-financing production of short animated film
Decision - Mangupi
Decision - Let
Decision - Tajna na vrhu bandere
Оpen contest for cofinancing film festival organisation in 2024 (4.12.2023.)
Оpen contest for cofinancing film festival organisation in 2024
Modification of open contest for co-funding film festival organisation in year 2024
Preliminary ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-financing film festival organization in year 2024
Final ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-financing film festival organization in year 2024
Decision - Open contest for co-financing film festival organization in year 2024 - Prvi kadar
Decision - Open contest for co-financing film festival organization in year 2024 - Animacikl
Decision - Open contest for co-financing film festival organization in year 2024 - 12. Festival mediteranskog i evropskog filma Trebinje 2024.
Decision - Open contest for co-financing film festival organization in year 2024 - BLIFF - Banja Luka International Film Festival
Decision - Open contest for co-financing film festival organization in year 2024 - MFF - Svoj put
Оpen contest for cofinancing production of feature documentary films in 2023 (4.12.2023.)
Оpen contest for cofinancing production of feature documentary films in 2023
Modification of open contest for co-funding production of feature lenght documentary film in year 2023
Preliminary ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-funding production for feature-lenght documentary films in year 2023
Final ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-funding production for feature-lenght documentary films in year 2023
Decision - Open contest for co-funding production for feature-lenght documentary films - Čudo se možda dosađuje
Decision - Open contest for co-funding production for feature-lenght documentary films - Plastični Buda, drveni Isus i ogledalo
Decision - Open contest for co-funding production for feature-lenght documentary films - Hronike mozaika
Decision - Open contest for co-funding production for feature-lenght documentary films - Evo gola!
Decision - Open contest for co-funding production for feature-lenght documentary films - Leteća sestra
Оpen contest for cofinancing production of short documentary films in 2023 (4.12.2023.)
Оpen contest for cofinancing production of short documentary films in 2023
Modification of open contest for co-funding production of short lenght documentary film in year 2023
Preliminary ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-funding production for short documentary films in year 2023
Final ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-funding production for short documentary films in year 2023
Decision - Open contest for co-funding production for short documentary films - Nikola i Beba
Public competition for co-financing the production of feature-length feature film project in 2023 (4.9.2023.)
Public competition for co-financing the production of feature-length feature film project in 2023
Preliminary ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-funding production of feature films in the year 2023
Final ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-funding production of feature films in the year 2023
DECISION - Co-funding production of feature film - Sloga traži ljubav
DECISION - Co-funding production of feature film - Filip
Public competition for co-financing the production of a short feature film project in 2023 (4.9.2023.)
Public competition for co-financing the production of a short feature film project in 2023
Preliminary ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-funding production of short films in the year 2023
Final ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-funding production of short films in the year 2023
DECISION - Co-funding production of short film - Herkul
Public competition for co-financing the production of short animated film in 2023 (26.6.2023.)
Public competition for co-financing the production of short animated film in 2023
Preliminary ranking list - Public competition for co-financing the production of short animated films in 2023
The final ranking list - Co-financing the production of short animated film in 2023
DECISION - Co-financing the production of short animated film - Živa
DECISION - Co-financing the production of short animated film - Crna
DECISION - Co-financing the production of short animated film - Tajna na vrhu bandere
Competitions for financing the development of scenarios
Open contest for funding scenario development for feature film (2.9.2024.)
Open contest for funding scenario development for feature film
Preliminary ranking list of applicants on Open contest for financing script development of feature film
Final ranking list of applicants on Open contest for funding scenario development for feature lenght film
Decision - Open contest for funding scenario development for feature-lenght film - Mario Ćulum - Voda živa
Decision - Open contest for funding scenario development for feature-lenght film - Vedran Padalović - Deoba
Decision - Open contest for funding scenario development for feature-lenght film - Zoran Jelić - Svjetla iznad Arhangelska
Decision - Open contest for funding scenario development for feature-lenght film - Mario Lukajić - Manifestovanje ljubavi
Decision - Open contest for funding scenario development for feature-lenght film - Rok Radiša - Janjičar
Decision - Open contest for funding scenario development for feature-lenght film - Đorđe Blažić - Mentalno u Niš
Decision - Open contest for funding scenario development for feature-lenght film - Branko Stanković - Vreža
Decision - Open contest for funding scenario development for feature-lenght film - Duško Stanivuk - Poslednji rođendan Sofije
Decision - Open contest for funding scenario development for feature-lenght film - Saša Karanović - Posljednje noći belaja
Decision - Open contest for funding scenario development for feature-lenght film - Nemanja Savanović - Cirkus
Decision - Open contest for funding scenario development for feature-lenght film - Vladimir Đorđević - Novi početak
Decision - Open contest for funding scenario development for feature-lenght film - Aleksandar Bijelić - U neobranom grožđu
Decision - Open contest for funding scenario development for feature-lenght film - Nikola Vidačković - Rulet emocija
Open contest for funding scenario development for feature TV series (2.9.2024.)
Open contest for funding scenario development for feature TV series
Preliminary ranking list of applicants on Open contest for financing script development of TV show
Final ranking list of applicants on Open contest for funding scenario development for feature TV series
Decision - Open contest for funding scenario development for feature TV series - Aleksandar Zahorodni - Kandidat
Decision - Open contest for funding scenario development for feature TV series - Marija Ritan - Nit
Decision - Open contest for funding scenario development for feature TV series - Zoran Jelić - Ledana
Decision - Open contest for funding scenario development for feature TV series - Ognjen Bogdanović - Poslednji krug na Dunavu
Decision - Open contest for funding scenario development for feature TV series - Tanja Maksimović - Kapitalac i tri nimfe
Open contest for funding scenario development for feature-lenght film about a national theme (2.9.2024.)
Open contest for funding scenario development for feature-lenght film about a national theme
Preliminary ranking list of applicants on Open contest for financing script development of feature film for national theme
Final ranking list of applicants on Open contest for funding scenario development for feature-lenght film about a national theme
Decision - Open contest for funding scenario development for feature-lenght film about a national theme – Tanja Maksimović - Pag
Decision - Open contest for funding scenario development for feature-lenght film about a national theme – Milanka Blagojević - Žena koje nema
Decision - Open contest for funding scenario development for feature-lenght film about a national theme – Miroslav Pudarić - Mali
Decision - Open contest for funding scenario development for feature-lenght film about a national theme – Ljubiša Đokić - Jama
Open contest for funding scenario development for feature films in year 2023 (9.10.2023.)
Open contest for funding scenario development for feature films in year 2023
Preliminary ranking list of applicants for Open contest for funding scenario development of feature films in year 2023
Decision - Financing script development of feature lenght films - Sa đavolom troje
Final ranking list of applicants for Open contest for funding scenario development of feature films in year 2023
Decision Sonja Savić ,,Zlatni metak“
Decision Vedran Padalović ,,Nota više“
Decision Marko Dukić ,,Bajka o pecarošu“
Decision Jelena Kojović-Tepić ,,Avantura sa mirisom vanilica“
Decision Filip Jokanović ,,Trik koji je prevario Hudinija“
Decision Slađan Simeunović ,,Otmica predsjednika“
Decision Duško Mazalica ,,Ukleto selo“
Decision Aleksandar Bijelić ,,Navijač i monahinje“
Decision Mario Lukajić ,,Manifestovanje ljubavi“
Decision Željko Mitrović ,,Voziš, budi odgovoran“
Decision Danijel Gatarić ,,Muškost Zorana K.“
Open contest for funding scenario development for feature TV series in year 2023 (9.10.2023.)
Open contest for funding scenario development for feature TV series in year 2023
Preliminary ranking list of applicants for Open contest for funding scenario development of feature TV series in year 2023
Final ranking list of applicants for Open contest for funding scenario development of feature TV series in year 2023
Decision Filip Jokanović ,,Mladi rogovi“
Decision Mario Ćulum ,,Pravda“
Decision Nemanja Savanović ,,Emigrant“
Decision Ivana Stjepanović ,,Ekranizacija“
Decision Ognjen Bogdanović ,,Majn Kamp“
Decision Dragan Risojević ,,Kabl“
Decision Aleksandar Marić ,,Otkaz sreće“
Open contest for funding scenario development for short feature films in year 2023 (9.10.2023.)
Open contest for funding scenario development for short feature films in year 2023
Preliminary ranking list of applicants for Open contest for funding scenario development of short feature films in year 2023
Decision - Financing script development of short feature films - Post zemaljski stres
Final ranking list of applicants for Open contest for funding scenario development of short feature films in year 2023
Decision Stefan Tomić ,,Modrooka Maruška“
Decision Aleksandar Bijelić ,,Da l’ je kazna biti žensko?“
Decision Marija Ritan ,,Drago“
Decision Mladen Marijanović ,,Pepeo“
Public competition for financing the development of the scenario of a feature-length feature film on a national theme in 2023 (27.3.2023.)
Public competition for financing the development of the scenario of a feature-length feature film on a national theme in 2023
Preliminary ranking list of applicants for Open contest for funding scenario development for feature films on a national subject in the year 2023
Final ranking list of applicants for Open contest for funding scenario development for feature films on a national subject in the year 2023
DECISION - Funding scenario development for feature film on a national subject - Deca koja su pojela revoluciju
Public competition for financing the development of the scenario of a feature-length feature film in 2023 (27.3.2023.)
Public competition for financing the development of the scenario of a feature-length feature film in 2023
Preliminary ranking list - Financing the script development of a feature film in 2023
The final ranking list - Financing the development of the scenario of a feature length film in 2023
DECISION - Financing the development of the scenario of a feature length film in 2023 - Mi o Vuku
DECISION - Financing the development of the scenario of a feature length film in 2023 - Mila
DECISION - Financing the development of the scenario of a feature length film in 2023 - Loš špijun
DECISION - Financing the development of the scenario of a feature length film in 2023 - Arabeska
DECISION - Financing the development of the scenario of a feature length film in 2023 - Poslednje zborište
DECISION - Financing the development of the scenario of a feature length film in 2023 - Poslednji rođendan Sofije
DECISION - Financing the development of the scenario of a feature length film in 2023 - Hoće da ustane, ali ne može
DECISION - Financing the development of the scenario of a feature length film in 2023 - Noć kada je hodala
DECISION - Financing the development of the scenario of a feature length film in 2023 - Novi početak
DECISION - Financing the development of the scenario of a feature length film in 2023 - Triptih '92
DECISION - Financing the development of the scenario of a feature length film in 2023 - Mi smo mladost jer umiremo
DECISION - Financing the development of the scenario of a feature length film in 2023 - Smaragdove gore
DECISION - Financing the development of the scenario of a feature length film in 2023 - Klobuk
DECISION - Financing the development of the scenario of a feature length film in 2023 - Čistači
Public competition for financing the development of the scenario of a feature TV series in 2023 (27.3.2023.)
Public competition for financing the development of the scenario of a feature TV series in 2023
Preliminary ranking list - Financing the script development of a feature TV series in 2023
The final ranking list - Financing the development of the scenario of a feature TV series in 2023
DECISION - Financing the development of the scenario of a feature TV series in 2023 - Deca tuđeg Boga
DECISION - Financing the development of the scenario of a feature TV series in 2023 - Osmica
DECISION - Financing the development of the scenario of a feature TV series in 2023 - Šest
DECISION - Financing the development of the scenario of a feature TV series in 2023 - Godine lavova
DECISION - Financing the development of the scenario of a feature TV series in 2023 - Cijelo selo prelo
DECISION - Financing the development of the scenario of a feature TV series in 2023 - Pričaj mi priču
DECISION - Financing the development of the scenario of a feature TV series in 2023 - Vreme odgovornosti
Public competition for financing the development of the scenario of a short feature film in 2023 (27.3.2023.)
Public competition for financing the development of the scenario of a short feature film in 2023
Preliminary ranking list - Financing the script development of a short film in 2023
The final ranking list - Financing the development of the scenario of a short feature film in 2023
DECISION - Financing the development of the scenario of a short feature film in 2023 - Olga
DECISION - Financing the development of the scenario of a short feature film in 2023 - Ne(ambicija)
DECISION - Financing the development of the scenario of a short feature film in 2023 - Jevanđelje po ludi
DECISION - Financing the development of the scenario of a short feature film in 2023 - Glava, zaključana brava
DECISION - Financing the development of the scenario of a short feature film in 2023 - Bijelo odijelo
DECISION - Financing the development of the scenario of a short feature film in 2023 - Nož i čekić za meso
DECISION - Financing the development of the scenario of a short feature film in 2023 - Soba 108
Competitions for co-financing of project development
Open contest for co-funding project development for feature TV series (15.11.2024.)
Open contest for co-funding project development for feature TV series
Preliminary ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-financing project development of TV series
Final ranking list of applicants on Open contest for co-financing project development of TV show
Decision - Osmica
Decision - Pravednik
Open contest for co-funding project development for short feature film (1.10.2024.)
Open contest for co-funding project development for short feature film
Preliminary ranking list of applicants to Open contest for co-funding project development for short feature film
Final ranking list of applicants to Open contest for co-funding project development for short feature film
Decision - Trnu zubi - project development for short feature film
Decision - Sam u raj - project development for short feature film
Open contest for co-funding project development for feature film (1.10.2024.)
Open contest for co-funding project development for feature film
Preliminary ranking list of applicants to Open contest for co-funding project development for feature film
Final ranking list of applicants to Open contest for co-funding project development for feature film
Decision - Svoje se meso ne jede - project development for feature film
Decision - Pukla je bruka - project development for feature film
Open contest for co-funding project development for short documentary film (1.10.2024.)
Open contest for co-funding project development for short documentary film
Preliminary ranking list of applicants on Open contest for co-financing development of short-lenght documentary film
Final ranking list of applicants on Open contest for Co-financing development of short-lenght documentary film
Decision - Deda Raletova truba
Open contest for co-funding project development for feature-lenght documentary film (1.10.2024.)
Open contest for co-funding project development for feature-lenght documentary film
Preliminary ranking list of applicants on Open contest for co-financing development of feature-lenght documentary film
Final ranking list of applicants on Open contest for Co-financing development of feature-lenght documentary film
Decision – Boškić Bole – Svaki čovjek treba most
Decision - Trka za snovima
Decision - Homiton
Decision - Djeca Bradine
Decision – Ruine
Open contest for co-funding project development for short animated film (2.9.2024.)
Open contest for co-funding project development for short animated film
Preliminary ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-funding project development of short animated film
Final ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-financing project development of short animated film
Decision - ,,Throwback“
Decision - ,,Van sebe“
Open contest for co-financing project development for feature lenght film (13.05.2024)
Open contest for co-financing project development for feature lenght film
Preliminary ranking list of applicants on Open contest for co-financing project development for feature lenght film
Final ranking list of applicants on Open contest for co-financing project development of feature film
Decision - Mila
Open contest for co-financing project development for short feature film (13.05.2024)
Open contest for co-financing project development for short feature film
Preliminary ranking list of applicants on Open contest for co-financing project development for short feature film
Final ranking list of applicants on Open contest for co-financing project development of short feature film
Decision - Pepeo
Decision - Trnu zubi
Open contest for co-funding project development for feature-lenght documentaries in year 2024 (8.4.2024)
Open contest for co-funding project development for feature-lenght documentaries in year 2024
Preliminary ranking list of applicants to Open contest for co-funding project development for feature-lenght documentary film
Final ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-funding project development of feature-lenght documentaries
Decision – co-financing project development of feature lenght documentaries Zbunjen filmom
Decision – co-financing project development of feature lenght documentaries - Dolina heroja
Decision – co-financing project development of feature lenght documentaries Koncert života
Decision – Boškić Bole: svaki čovjek treba most
Decision – U tuđim cipelama
Decision – Djeca Bradine
Open contest in year 2024 for co-funding project development for feature-lenght film about a national theme of suffering of the Serbian people in World War II in the beginning of 1942. in the area of Drakulić in Banja Luka (8.4.2024)
Open contest in year 2024 for co-funding project development for feature-lenght film about a national theme of suffering of the Serbian people in World War II in the beginning of 1942. in the area of Drakulić in Banja Luka
Preliminary ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-funding project development for feature-lenght film about a national theme of suffering of the Serbian people in World War II in the beginning of 1942. In the area of Drakulić in Banja Luka
Final ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-funding project development for feature-lenght film about a national theme of suffering of the Serbian people in World War II in the beginning of 1942. In the area of Drakulić in Banja Luka
Decision - Open contest for co-funding project development for feature-lenght film about a national theme - Bjesnilo
Decision - Open contest for co-funding project development for feature-lenght film about a national theme - Deus Vult
Decision - Open contest for co-funding project development for feature-lenght film about a national theme - Ne znamo koliko nas nema
Open contest for co-funding project development for feature films in year 2023 (9.10.2023)
Open contest for co-funding project development for feature films in year 2023
Preliminary ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-funding project development of feature lenght film in year 2023
Final ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-funding project development of feature lenght films in year 2023
Decision - OC co-funding project development of feature lenght film - Kad ponovo umrem
Decision - OC co-funding project development of feature lenght film - Roto
Decision - OC co-funding project development of feature lenght film - Mišolovka
Decision - OC co-funding project development of feature lenght film - Sloga traži ljubav
Decision - OC co-funding project development of feature lenght film - Mila
Open contest for co-funding project development for feature-lenght documentaries in year 2023 (9.10.2023)
Open contest for co-funding project development for feature-lenght documentaries in year 2023
Preliminary ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-funding project development for feature-lenght documentaries in year 2023
Decision - Co-financing project development of feature lenght documentary films - Zbunjen filmom
Final ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-funding project development for documentary feature film in the year 2023
Decision - OC for co-financing project development of feature lenght documentary film - Heroj iz arene
Decision - OC for co-financing project development of feature lenght documentary film - Jedini
Decision - OC for co-financing project development of feature lenght documentary film - Koncert života
Decision - OC for co-financing project development of feature lenght documentary film - Pismo
Open contest for co-funding project development for feature TV series in year 2023 (9.10.2023)
Open contest for co-funding project development for feature TV series in year 2023
Preliminary ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-funding project development of TV series in year 2023
Decision - Co-financing project development of TV series - Sudari
Final ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-funding project development of TV series in year 2023
Decision - OC co-funding project development of TV series - O12
Decision - OC co-funding project development of TV series - Otuđenje
Decision - OC co-funding project development of TV series - Naši dani
Decision - OC co-funding project development of TV series - Srce svetovita
Open contest for co-funding project development for short animated films in year 2023 (9.10.2023)
Open contest for co-funding project development for short animated films in year 2023
Preliminary ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-financing project development of short animated film in year 2023
Final ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-funding project development for short animated film in the year 2023
Decision - OC for co-financing project development of short animated film - Kap u pepelu
Decision - OC for co-financing project development of short animated film - Tajna leptira s Kostarike
Decision - OC for co-financing project development of short animated film - Let
Decision - OC for co-financing project development of short animated film - Trepavice
Decision - OC for co-financing project development of short animated film - Digital dwellers and country critters
Decision - OC for co-financing project development of short animated film - Grad gradila
Open contest for co-funding project development for short documentaries in year 2023 (9.10.2023)
Open contest for co-funding project development for short documentaries in year 2023
Preliminary ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-funding project development for short documentaries in year 2023
Final ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-funding project development for short documentary film in the year 2023
Decision - OC for co-financing project development of short documentary film - Srećna slučajnost
Decision - OC for co-financing project development of short documentary film - Rođendanske želje
Open contest for co-funding project development for short feature films in year 2023 (9.10.2023)
Open contest for co-funding project development for short feature films in year 2023
Preliminary ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-funding project development of short feature film in year 2023
Final ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-funding project development of short feature film in year 2023
Decision - OC co-funding project development of short feature film - Zdrave ruke
Decision - OC co-funding project development of short feature film - Jevanđelje po ludi
Decision - OC co-funding project development of short feature film - Džo
Decision - OC co-funding project development of short feature film - Osmijeh za kraj
Public competition for co-financing the development of a feature-length feature film project in 2023 (29.05.2023)
Public competition for co-financing the development of a feature-length feature film project in 2023
Preliminary ranking list - Public competition for co-financing the development of a feature-length feature film project in 2023
The final ranking list - Public competition for co-financing the development of a feature-length feature film project in 2023
DECISION - Public competition for co-financing the development of a feature-length feature film project in 2023 - Hajka
DECISION - Public competition for co-financing the development of a feature-length feature film project in 2023 - Čuvaj ga
DECISION - Public competition for co-financing the development of a feature-length feature film project in 2023 - Horda
Public competition for co-financing the development of a short feature film project in 2023 (29.05.2023)
Public competition for co-financing the development of a short feature film project in 2023
Preliminary ranking list - Public competition for co-financing the development of a short feature film project in 2023
The final ranking list - Public competition for co-financing the development of a short feature film project in 2023
DECISION - Public competition for co-financing the development of a short feature film project in 2023 - Vrenje
DECISION - Public competition for co-financing the development of a short feature film project in 2023 - Zemlja živih
DECISION - Public competition for co-financing the development of a short feature film project in 2023 - Herkul
DECISION - Public competition for co-financing the development of a short feature film project in 2023 - Srešćemo se tamo
DECISION - Public competition for co-financing the development of a short feature film project in 2023 - Osmijeh za kraj
DECISION - Public competition for co-financing the development of a short feature film project in 2023 - 7,5 minuta u Parizu
Public competition for co-financing the development of a short animated film project in 2023 (27.3.2023.)
Public competition for co-financing the development of a short animated film project in 2023
Preliminary ranking list - Co-financing the development of a short animated film project in 2023
The final ranking list - Co-financing the development of a short animated film project in 2023
DECISION - Public competition for co-financing the development of a short animated film project - CRNA
Public competition for co-financing the development of a documentary feature film project in 2023 (27.3.2023.)
Public competition for co-financing the development of a documentary feature film project in 2023
Preliminary ranking list - Co-financing the development of a feature-length documentary film project in 2023
The final ranking list - Co-financing the development of a feature-length documentary film project in 2023
DECISION - Co-financing the development of a documentary feature film project in 2023 - Čudo se možda dosađuje
DECISION - Co-financing the development of a documentary feature film project in 2023 - Plastični Buda, drveni Isus i ogledalo
DECISION - Co-financing the development of a documentary feature film project in 2023 - Evo gola!
DECISION - Co-financing the development of a documentary feature film project in 2023 - Svjetlopis
DECISION - Co-financing the development of a documentary feature film project in 2023 - Ratni drugovi
Public competition for co-financing the development of a short documentary film project in 2023 (27.3.2023.)
Public competition for co-financing the development of a short documentary film project in 2023
Preliminary ranking list - Co-financing the development of the project of the short documentary film in 2023
The final ranking list - Co-financing the development of the project of the short documentary film in 2023
DECISION - Co-financing the development of a short documentary film project in 2023 - Balcana presenta
DECISION - Co-financing the development of a short documentary film project in 2023 - Koraci u zaborav
DECISION - Co-financing the development of a short documentary film project in 2023 - Rođendanske želje
DECISION - Co-financing the development of a short documentary film project in 2023 - Suva drenovina (Mučenica)
Competitions for minority co-production films
Open contest for co-funding production of minority co-production films (15.11.2024.)
Open contest for co-funding production of minority co-production films
Оpen contest for cofinancing production of minority coproduction films in 2023 (4.12.2023.)
Оpen contest for cofinancing production of minority coproduction films in 2023
Preliminary ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-financing production of minority coproduciton films in year 2023
Decision KRAJINAFILM - Na pola puta do Sjenice
Final ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-financing production of minority coproduciton films in year 2023
Decision - Open contest for co-financing production of minority coproduciton films - Linije želje
Decision - Open contest for co-financing production of minority coproduciton films - 78 dana
Decision - Open contest for co-financing production of minority coproduciton films - Tajna zmajeve družine
Decision - Open contest for co-financing production of minority coproduciton films - Fabrika ne sme da stane
Decision - Open contest for co-financing production of minority coproduciton films - Crvena reka
Decision - Open contest for co-financing production of minority coproduciton films - Istina o Račku
Decision - Open contest for co-financing production of minority coproduciton films - Odjek
Decision - Open contest for co-financing production of minority coproduciton films - Kuća
Decision - Open contest for co-financing production of minority coproduciton films - Peščana hronika
Decision - Open contest for co-financing production of minority coproduciton films - Vanja
Decision - Open contest for co-financing production of minority coproduciton films - Lubarda: Na kuću ti gavran pao!
Decision - Open contest for co-financing production of minority coproduciton films - Mraz
Decision - Open contest for co-financing production of minority coproduciton films - Milica Tomić
Decision - Open contest for co-financing production of minority coproduciton films - Seti me se
Decision - Open contest for co-financing production of minority coproduciton films - Bibijaka i dobošar
Decision - Open contest for co-financing production of minority coproduciton films - Zadnji dan maestrala
Decision - Open contest for co-financing production of minority coproduciton films - Plavi safir
Decision - Open contest for co-financing production of minority coproduciton films - Šalša
Decision - Open contest for co-financing production of minority coproduciton films - Insureccion (Ustanak)
Decision - Open contest for co-financing production of minority coproduciton films - Čangalović: priča o operskom pevaču Miroslavu Čangaloviću
Decision - Open contest for co-financing production of minority coproduciton films - Generacija
Decision - Open contest for co-financing production of minority coproduciton films - Osmi mart
Public competition for co-financing the production of minority co-production films in 2023 (27.3.2023.)
Public competition for co-financing the production of minority co-production films in 2023
Preliminary ranking list - Public competition for co-financing the production of minority co-production films in 2023
Notice of cancellation of the Public competition
Competitions for co-financing the development of student final films
Open contest for co-financing production of student’s final films (13.05.2024)
Open contest for co-financing production of student’s final films
Preliminary ranking list of applicants for Open contest for co-funding the production of final student films
Final ranking list of applicants on Open contest for co-financing production of student’s final film
Decision - Kako sam provela raspust? - Open contest for co-financing production of student’s final film
Decision - Konundrum - Open contest for co-financing production of student’s final film
Decision - Izduvni ventil - Open contest for co-financing production of student’s final film
Decision - HO’OPONOPONO - Open contest for co-financing production of student’s final film
Decision - Skandal - Open contest for co-financing production of student’s final film
Public competition for co-financing the production of student final films in 2023 (29.06.2023)
Public competition for co-financing the production of student final films in 2023
Preliminary ranking list - Public competition for co-financing the production of student final films in 2023
The final ranking list - Public competition for co-financing the production of student final films in 2023
DECISION - Public competition for co-financing the production of student final films in 2023 – Snima se
DECISION - Public competition for co-financing the production of student final films in 2023 - Ciklus
DECISION - Public competition for co-financing the production of student final films in 2023 - Ispod površine
DECISION - Public competition for co-financing the production of student final films in 2023 - Ko si ti
DECISION - Public competition for co-financing the production of student final films in 2023 - Peti jahač
Competition for the Summer Film School
Open call for participation in the workshop ,,Summer Film School” (03.06.2024)
Open call for participation in the workshop ,,Summer Film School”
A modern theme for the film industry & video production