The law on audio-visual contents was passed
It is with great pleasure and joy that we inform you that the long-awaited Law on Audio-Visual Activities was finally adopted at yesterday’s session of the Assembly.
In the past year, big and significant changes have taken place for our cinematography and audio-visual activities. The establishment of the Center and the adoption of the new law represent a complete reversal in relation to the current state of audio-visual creativity. An excellent starting point has been created and now film and audio-visual professionals can finally realize their creative capacities.
From the budget of the Government of Republika Srpska, 0.1% of tax revenues minus social insurance will be allocated for audio-visual activities on an annual basis, which in 2022 will be the amount of about 2 million KM.
Also, with the adoption of the law, the legal basis for the adoption of the Decree on Incentives of 30 percent return of invested funds on qualified expenses for domestic and foreign productions that will be filmed in the territory of Republika Srpska has been set. This will contribute to the development of the production base and the full employment of local audio-visual workers.
The law enables natural persons to be beneficiaries of the Script Development Contest, and production companies, which will be able to register as independent entrepreneurs, will be enabled to apply for all other Center contests. As soon as possible, the Center will start announcing the tenders, which will be open until the end of the calendar year, with two decision-making periods.
We invite you to follow the activities that we will implement together in the future and about which we will inform you in a timely manner via our website and social networks.