Exhibition of movie posters and promotion of books
The Audio-Visual Center of Republika Srpska, Film Center of Serbia and Banski Dvor invite you to attend the exhibition of movie posters and book promotion, which will be held on November 1, 2022 in Banski Dvor.
The beginning of the cooperation between the Audio-Visual Center of the Republika Srpska, the Film Center of Serbia and the Bansko Dvor will be made official with the opening of the film poster exhibition “TRACES OF A TIME” (posters from the period 1945-1970) at 18:30 in the Small Exhibition Hall of the Bansko Dvor, after which we will be waiting for you. promotion of two books: HANDBOOK FOR SCREENWRITERS by SID FIELD and WRITERS IN THE CINEMA by SLOBODAN ŠIJAN, which will be held from 19:30 in the concert hall of the Bansko dvor. The special guest at the promotion of the book will be the well-known Serbian director Slobodan Šijan, who, to our great pleasure, after a long media break, will talk about his book “Writers in the Cinema”.
Free invitations can be picked up at the ticket office of the Bansko dvor from Tuesday, October 25, every working day, except weekends, from 12:00 to 18:00.