Open competitions for financing and co-financing of audio-visual works
It is with great pleasure that we inform you that the competitions announced by the Audio-Visual Center of the Republic of Srpska are officially open today, namely:
• a competition for financing the development of a script for a short feature film
• a competition for financing the development of a script for a feature film
• a competition for financing the development of the scenario of a feature TV series
• competition for financing the development of a script for a feature-length feature film on the national theme of the suffering of the Serbian people in the Second World War at the beginning of 1942 in the area of Drakulic in Banja Luka
• competition for co-financing the development of a short feature and documentary film project
• competition for co-financing the development of a feature-length feature and documentary film project
• competition for co-financing the development of a short animated film project
• competition for co-financing the development of a feature TV series project
• competition for co-financing the production of minority co-production films
• competition for co-financing the production of student final films
You can find the conditions of the competition and all the necessary information in the texts of the competition, which can be found on the official website of the Center www.cruk.rs.ba.
For all additional questions and necessary technical support, you can contact the Center via email info@avcrs.com or by phone at 051/490-574.