Banski dvor and the Audio-Visual Center of RS signed a Memorandum of Cooperation
Today, October 21 (Friday), 2022, in the Festive Hall, the director of the Banski dvor – Cultural Center Mladen Matović and acting Director of Audio-Visual Centers of Republika Srpska, Anja Ilić, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation today.
The beginning of the cooperation will be made official already on November 1 (Tuesday) 2022 with the opening of the exhibition of film posters TRACES OF A TIME (posters from the period 1945 – 1970) at 18:30 in the Small Exhibition Hall of Bansko dvor and the promotion of two books: WRITERS IN THE BIOSCOPE by SLOBODAN ŠIJANA and HANDBOOK FOR SCREENWRITERS by SIDA FIELD, which will be held from 19:30 in the Concert Hall of the Banski dvor.
The special guest at this event will be the famous Serbian director Slobodan Šijan.